Monday, October 3, 2011

The Battle of Algiers

The Battle of Algiers was a movie commissioned by the government of Algiers, four years after their independence from the French. The movie tells the tale of the organization of FLN which is fighting for FLN freedom.

The opening scene of the movie is of an old man, and the group of soldiers. The movie follows a flashback form of story.

The character of Ali is first introduced as the last member of FLN and as the flashback comes we see how from a hustler he becomes a freedom fighter. Jaffar, a leader in FLN is introduced as a cautious man.

Ali as a character in the movie is a very aggressive and ill-tempered man. This is balanced by the cautious Jaffar.

The discriminations against the Algerian’s are made throughout the movie, and their growing anger against the them.

The first bombings shown by FLN was shot very, where there were three bombs blown. What I really liked was the correlation of how the bombs were placed to the final explosions where three continuous bomb explosions are heard. Also just before the bombs were blown the short montage of the clock and the innocent bystanders.

The director has tried to keep a balanced perspective throughout the movie. While he has shown the problems of the Algerians, he has shown the inhuman affects of their terrorism by showing dramatic shots of when the bombs exploded.

The character of Colonel Mathieu is a man of strong character. I especially like his uses of the word integrations. On an intellectual capacity he must be compared to Ben M’Hidi. Both these two character have their favourite moments in the movie. Both these character’s raise very important questions. For Ben M’Hidi, it’s on the roof when he talks to Ali about the their work. For Colonel Mathieu it is when he is questioned on his integration methods and how he raises serious questions.

A motif throughout the movie is shots of the bird eye shots of the Muslim sections and the European sections.

This movie is a must watch on a long and forgotten terrorist organization and that would remind one that one’s freedom fighter is another’s terrorist.

Marx For Beginners


The book starts with the author using an advanced word to describe Marx as “Teutonic genius” which means German genius. He explained the problem of compressing Marx’s theories and philosophies into twenty or thirty words from a two hundred or three hundred words. The next page one would find a big, blurry, hairy and a fat face staring at the reader and then he or she knows it’s a picture of Marx. His long beard and hair curl around his face. The author talks on how Karl Marx is seen today: a Jewish- German who everyone blames for the creation of communism which now one-third of the world practice while two-thirds argue about it. At the side there is a comic of a priest who is dressed in a cassock with a hood who says, “Holy Jesus! The anti-Christ”. Words like Bolshevik, Marxist, Socialist, Leninism, Communist and many more are all influenced by Marx. These words owe some part of their origin to Marx. A comic is there below this a professor pronounces some of these terms and there is a student next to him who has a big question mark above his head. Marx talks about everything from economics, literature, human relations, social change, and education to journalism and many more things. The book makes funny of Marx’s face by saying that one will find his hair everywhere. The book mentions the knowledge and practice of his ideas: the impossible and the possible. It talks about freedom of exploitation of man from man. There is a comic of a well- dressed man who says “That’s not true! I owe my boss it (freedom) to my boss” and at the side his boos stood in shabby and beggarly clothes. The book explains that indirect victories of socialism like social security, pension, union, scholarships are all victories of Marx. This is the first part of the book which gives the contents of the book in a few words.

The book then moves on to what the life of Marx. The book talks about his father who is a lawyer, on Marx’s education. The book mention about his troubled time in the Berlin University where thinkers are asking questions on life. It goes on to point out Marx’s turn towards Hegel a philosopher who became one of the greatest influences in his life. The book then drags in a lot of philosopher, their philosophies and their explanations. He then become an editor starting from the Hegelian Magazine and the switching been other various ones. It was in the Rehnish Gazette that he started his political journalism. The book then brings in his childhood love Jenny Von Westphalen and how her father encouraged Marx to read Greek and renaissance work. The book then brings in Engels Marx’s good friend and one of the greatest persons influencing his life. The book talks a bit on Engels. Then we come to third part where the book actually explains the ideologies of Marx.


The author has taken up a challenge by explaining one of the most sophisticated philosophers of human kind. He has explained Marx’s concepts life, his influences, his concepts and many other things very well. He has managed to simplify and uncomplicated Marx’s life and work. The author has made use of the caricatures well and this has helped in simplifying Marx. Through the cartoons one is able to get a visual of what the author means to point out. The book has humour and it is applied well. Through the humour one will be able to understand the complicated concepts of Marx. Another admirable author is how he has managed to smoothly switch and connected every concept of Marx.

The author though has managed to do this has made it a bit of confusing by brining so many philosophers, though one must agree all these have influenced Marx (as seen in his work) it confuses a simple minded person.

The best part of the book is the application of the cartoons which a reader knows will make everything simpler for him or her. The worst part of the book is how he brings in so many philosophers which is very confusing to a reader to come across so many more philosophers when he just want one.


This is a book is a must for any person who is a first to Karl Marx and his theories. It makes understanding like never before with new innovated methods of cartoons. It covers all grounds of Marx in sufficient detail, enough to grasp his concept.


The establishing scene is in a Church and Walt’s wife is going on. I like the introduction of Walt’s family. While Al is giving is condolences, they appear from behind the frame entering the Church, they are a little blurred and it seems like a gang entering the Church and then there is the way they say the sign of the cross.

The whole movie revolves around the character of Walt and I have got to say that he is a very strong character. The first thing noticeable about him is his harden faced. Throughout the movie his face has portrayed very strong emotions, which is mostly of distaste or anger. His language is even stronger. Half the words that come out of his mouth are foul words and as he meets his Asians he starts using Asian abuses also. However these abusives give him the charm he needed as an old man. I also like when on his birthday when he was offered the home for the aged, how Clint refuse to show his reaction of Walt and only the results. I also like when Walt stares at his blood test result sheets, a point of perspective shot. Clint really teases the audience because though the camera passes over the papers, he does not allow anyone to know the results.

After the shoot out and the rape of the Tao’s sister, Clint starts playing heavily with the lighting. Twice Walt meets the Priest and it is in the shadows. Walt in the basement with Toa, there was a lot of times that the shadow fell on half face. When he makes the phone call to the sister to release Tao, he’s in the shadows.

The death of Walt is shot beautifully. The slow play and the tension created, until Walt swiftly pulls out his hand from the jacket and then again slow as various shots of the shooters and the bullets shredding Walt.

Another scene is the reading of the will, where there have been good use of lighting and position of characters. We have Walt granddaughter sitting in the middle of the room and the sunlight glare on her face. . It starts with a bird’s eye view of the room, giving a view of all the character, and Toa is placed insignificantly at the corner. However it was only when Toa’s name is motioned that the camera switches to him and there he is in the shadows.

The movie portrays the gangs on the streets, and how an old hardcore American has to deal with that, knowing that violence will beget violence.


The establishing shot of the movie is a very strong shot: feet running, the face, a 360 degree camera shot of the battlefield around and through all this someone crying ‘corpsman’. It a very strong scene of war. He puts across the message that a war is going on the introduced character is a corpsman is desperately searching for the crying voice.

Clint has also played with colour. While in the scenes on Iwo Jima are very dull coloured, the scenes back in America are colourful.

The movie is very non-linear, following a variety of timelines. The transitions of from these timelines are very interesting. In the beginning we see a extreme close up of John Bradley as tears start rolling down his eyes that flashes into the present old John Bradley. Then there is another one where John Bradley is getting is climbing up a fake Iwo Jima for a fund raiser, and the camera begins to close up on his face, there are flashes streaking across his face and the flash he is back in Iwo Jima. In this particular scene it happens for Iggy and John quite often.

I like the use of handheld camera, which enables the viewers to join the intensity of the soldiers. There are some nice shot where the soldiers land on Iwo Jima and the water is splashing all over.

Another scene I like is when the soldiers arrive on Iwo Jima and then we have a variety of point of perspective shots of Japanese soldier as they are getting ready to attack. After this there is montage of all these guns going off and attacking. Clint has really put it well together.

The scene where Bradley finds Iggy is awesome and this is simply because of the lighting. Bradley enters a cave like room, the only source of light is the from the entrance. He enters it, it’s a medium shout. His face goes into the darkness. Then his face gets lit for a few for a few seconds. The pain his shown. The darkness reappears and he walks out. There is a low key lighting. Clint does not show Iggy’s corpse and leave that to the imagination of the audience.

The ending scene is very beautiful. With the narration going over the, it starts off with a medium angle shot, and we have the introduction of the soldiers. We have a variety of shots as they undress and jump into the water, angle shot, medium shot of the soldiers faces, point of perspective shot and the final shot when John Bradley jumps into the water, a birds eye view.


Transitions, lighting, establishing and ending shot—the city.

The establishing shot of the movie is of the Los Angeles City. Eastwood makes use of colour adding a grey tinge. There is a quarter pan shot of the City and then the camera come down to a lane, and as it comes down, Clint again plays around with the colour since the approaching vehicle suddenly starts to coloured. As this vehicle passes the camera, there is a transition and everything else gains colour.

The City is just awoken and the scene switches to the protagonist, Mrs. Collins. I like the way he introduces her. It’s an angle and we see the reflection of the protagonist sleeping and the alarm starts ringing. The frame is of the reflection from the mirror of the dressing table and the protagonist is sleeping then camera pans as the alarm clock starts to ring and she gets up. In a way Clint was playing around with the camera because the shot almost looked like the editing used a sliding technique.

Another shot, which I like is the introduction to her job. The shot begins at feet wearing roller blades which is roller blading, the camera is in front of the feet and following, until it passes someone else feet roller blading, and then the camera begins to follow those feet, the shot zooms out to reveal Mrs. Collins. This sort of technique is used quite often, where the camera tails one thing and then switches on another as it passes by and this other thing is relevant to the movie. Another place that Clint uses this is when Mrs. Collins in bought in to the Police Station in the rain from the back. The camera, follows her as she sits down to wait for Jones and it travels to Mr. ……. and we get the first peak at good cop and then he leaves and the camera is caught again by as Jones enters walks towards Mrs. Collins.

The time transitions in the movie are very smooth. To keep track of the time, Clint continuously has titles to inform the audience of the time. Clint uses other methods also. For example, the scene where Mrs. Collins informs the Police of her missing son and then it switches to the church where Guston the Pastor his give his talk and we are informed that two weeks have passes since her son went missing.

I also like when Clint has this thing for a particular scene has transition from different characters. This was done at the introduction of Guston the Pastors speech at the Church, where we saw a switch between him and the Chief of Police.

The sound of the movie also plays a big role in giving emotion to the movie. We see the use of a subtle tone which can be easily related to the mother.

Also Clint has played around with the lighting. For example when Dective Ybarra and 15 year old Stanford Clarke confesses his crime, the interrogation room becomes a hole of darkness. While showing the flashback of the murders, the use of shadows prevents it from making it graphic. Another shot is just before Gordon is hanged, when he meets Mrs. Collins. In the meeting Mrs. Collins slams Gordon against the window. The intensity of the scene was added by the lighting coming from the window.

The movie is touching, telling a tale of city that is not known and the hopes of a mother.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Recently a Muslim friend of mine called me over for an Iftar Party. Iftar is understood as an event where a Muslim after a day of fasting, breaks their fast. This is a detail of my experience for I have never been to an Iftar Party.
I was called at 6:00pm and I arrived on time, with another friend of mine. My host was there, however to my surprise no one else had arrived. The hall had been cleared and carpets were spread out in the hall. While waiting I helped my host and his mother to set things up. Three ‘thals’ were set up on low stands. At first I thought that ‘thals’ were pronounced as ‘thala’, but I was corrected.
Further guest began to arrive at 7:00pm. The friends that arrived were mostly of the host’s brother. In fifteen minutes over ten more people arrived. By 7:15 over twenty people filled the room, some of the host’s brothers friends and some of his own friend. Before the food was bought the host’s father came in and formally shook everyone’s hand before leaving for an important meeting.
The first plate of the meal arrived and was placed on each thal. A few of the Muslims that were there went inside the house to pray, while a few others started to call the most reliable source of information, their mothers, regarding the time of breaking their fast.
The first dish consisted of fruits, mainly watermelon and dates.
The second dish consisted of chicken roll.
The third dish consisted of ragada patties.
The fourth dish arrived and actual ‘boos’ were heard going around, because vadas were served.
The fifth dish consisted of chicken patties.
The sixth dish consisted of a whole chicken dipped in a delicious curry sauce.
The seventh dish was the main course, that is ran biryanni. A full plate was served on the thal. Biryanni rice accompanied by a whole piece of roasted mutton leg.
And for desert ice-cream was served.
The whole meal started from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. And it was delicious and filling.
However for some it was so filling that they, (they claim) that the food was filled right up to their throats.
However more than the food, the experience was every bit of worth it. Meeting new people, experience a culture that I have not experienced before.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Dark Fantasy

In 2005, Sunfeast launched their response to the high-end cream biscuit, Pure Magic. The biscuit is called Dark Fantasy and after a year, it can be said that Dark Fantasy is better marketed. There are a number of reasons for this, such as:

- Dark Fantasy distribution system is better. It delivers it product every week on Monday and its outreach is better that Pure Magic.

- Dark Fantasy’s packing is much more attractive that Pure Magic. While Pure Magic, only adorns a simple and colourful plastic packing, Dark Fantasy reveals a glossy packaging.

- Dark Fantasy also is relatively bigger that Pure Magic. The biscuit itself is bigger and the packet contains more biscuits that Pure Magic.

- The advertising of Dark Fantasy was based on the seven sins and the ad positioned Dark Fantasy as an indulgent biscuit. Compared to Dark Fantasy, Pure Magic has a very weak advertising base.

As far as can be seen, Pure Magic has failed to react to the challenge of Dark Fantasy and it will not be long before it is overtaken.

Buck Stops Here?

The 33rd President of America was Harry Truman and in his presidential office in his table he has a sign which was written, “The Buck Stops Here”- taking responsibility for his country.

A few weeks ago, A. Raja former telecom minister and main accused in the 2G Scam, named and incriminated the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

A question has arisen whether the Prime Minister should be implicated and held accountable for the Scam as he is the head of the cabinet.

The action and conduct of the Cabinet members is held accountable by the Prime Minister and the Prime Minister and his Cabinet is held accountable by the Parliament. The responsibilities of every Cabinet portfolio is looked over by the Parliament. Considering the actions of the A. Raja as a Telecom Minister was not questioned or found suspicious of the PM is question is being asked by many. In reply to this the Prime Minister and his office (PMO) has denied knowing of the A. Raja’s action and that he had also managed to deceive them.

Whatever it may be, the Prime Minister is responsible for every Cabinet member’s action and has the power to review their actions. The questions to be asked is whether he should be not be charged for accountability of his Cabinet. Whether he should be forgiven for his ignorance?

In my personal opinion whatever it may be the Prime Minister should not be implicated, because simply before anyone can realize he will become a scapegoat for Indian society and every form of corruption will be blamed on him.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


What is India? A country, which is truly a country that has unity within diversity?

The people of South India, believe that they are related to the people of Central India. The people of North-East India believe that the people of North India are their brothers. A country where all the States celebrate Independence Day together. A country where across the State, the national flag is raised up on Independence Day and all the national heroes that are learnt in the school books are remembered. A country where all the people unite to see the Indian cricket team win.

Is this India?

The South Indian States one will find that when you try to communicate to them in Hindi or English they refuse to help and do not reply inspite of maybe... knowing either of the languages. Kashmir is a State where over half the Indian army is present there with arbitrary rights and they are there to protect the rights of the citizens of India. A country where minority communities are killed by State sponsored violence.

Could this also be India?

A greater thinker once said that countries are imaginary.

Perhaps imaginary lines that are needed. Where a number of the people just imagine, they just believe they are truly all related, they are all brothers and sisters, while some do not feel the spirit.

Could this also be what India is?

Is India just imagined?

What, if States had a chance to separate today? What would happen?

There is a possibility of Kashmir and the States of North-East grasping their freedom. But there is also the real threat of Pakistan, occupying Kashmir and the real threat of China occupying the States of North-East. It is a real threat, because that is what is happening in this present world, they are slowly encouraging and encroached upon these States.

In my personal opinion, India is imagined, but very, very much necessary inspite of its flaws.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Workshop with Vaibhav Pursndhare

On Monday, the Audio-Visual room was filled in Wilson College. Student from Third year Journalism class and Second year Bachelor of Mass Media and Political Science students were all waiting for Vaibhav Pursndhare. Vaibhav Pursndhare is a distinguished journalist for Hindustan Times and has published a book name, Sena. His journalism is specializes in politics on Maharashtra.

Before he began his address, the Political Science Association was inaugurated. An introduction was given to it and information on the various activities it conducts, including the magazine it publishes. It was introduced and inaugurated by the Political Science students.

Vaibhav Pursndhare spoke on a variety of topics, which included of State and National level.

At the State level, he spoke on Maharashtra politics and how it has developed to its current situation. He specifically spoke on the political party Shiv Sena and its importance and actions Maharashtra politics.

At a National level, he spoke about the situation Delhi on the Lokpal bill. He spoke on a broader issue of corruption and how it affects the lives of the youth and what the youth can do to tackle this issue.

“Vaibhav Pursndhare definitely raised some important points which I was not aware of,” said Shasank Moore, a political science student. According to Trishan Panchal, a third year Bachelor of Mass Media student from the journalism class, “He has very aggressive views, but he has been able to put it across subtlety by expressly communicating that these are his personal views.”

Workshop with Dr. Nachiket Mor

On Saturday, Wilson College was glad to have Dr. Nachiket Mor addressing the students. He took two sessions at the College Hall. At the first session, he addressed the students of Bachelor of Arts and at his second session, he addressed the students of Bachelor of Mass Media and Bachelor of Management studies. Dr. Nachiket Mor has a variety of experiences with him. He has worked with ICCI bank for a very long time and is a prestigious banker in his field. He has also worked with many NGOs and has ample experience in social issues.

At the first session he spoke on the various job opportunities available in the banking and financial field.

At the second session he spoke about the variety of social work he has done in India. He also spoke on the importance of journalist and how, according to him they are doing a good job in India. He mentioned the undeveloped tourism in India which he was trying to develop and gave a example in Goa. He is developing rural tourism by creating what is called homestay homes. Homestay homes means that instead of staying at a hotel, a tourist can stay at a villager or residents home at a nominal rate which includes facilities and meals. He explained the financial agreement that is needed for this, between the NGO and the home owner.

At the end of his address, he took questions, where interesting question were raised. A question was asked on the relation between the banking facilities and the rural farmers and another was asked about the use of the internet as a media for financial banking and another on the where and how villages were selected to invest money.

At the end, many students were in thrilled with the session. According to Nikhil Bapat, a third year of Bachelor of Mass Media student, “I like the session where a lot of interesting things came up and the interactive session answered question that students asked”. For however Danika, another third year student of Bachelor of Mass Media student, “No doubt the talk was interesting, but the questions asked were not sufficiently answered as he gave his opinion and did not clarify what the question was asking”.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Costumes, colours and fun are all seen in a Carnival and this year it will be seen at Wilson College for Polaris 2011. Polaris has adorned a variety of themes from Vintage to Darkness and this year it is Carnival. Carnival gives a variety of things to do. With over fifty five college and twenty events, Polaris is all set for 15th, 16th and 17th. This is the Eleventh year of Polaris and it is set for a bash.

According to Deputy Chairperson Janice Rodrigues “Polaris will bring the Carnival to life and it will be one big Carnival”. This year competing colleges have been given a variety of carnival from all over the world. Carnival’s from Rio de Janerio to Electric Dasiy to Sital Sasti to Mardi Gras. They have to try and imitate these Carnivals and at the same time are allowed their own interpretation so that they are able to incorporate their own creative elements. A College has even asked if it could bring a ladder for Polaris.

Polaris is not only about the costumes and colours, but it is also about the celebration of the human spirit. According to Divya, the hospiatlity head, “Polaris is about the celebrating the human spirit, where people over a variety of colleges meet and discover new things”. For Aayush Puthran, the event head, “A Carnival themed Polaris will connect many people and bring out the carnival spirit, and maybe even untied all BMM students as a BMM family”. “Polaris will be an exchange of ideas and sharing a mutual bond” commented Jaydutta the Deputy Chairperson.

The platform is set and for the first time Polaris will be having a pre-Polaris Event will occur. A Parade is set to occur on 10thJuly on Sunday. As a pre-Polaris event it is set for a big success, with every competing college coming. The Parade has already got an overwhelming response. Some College are expected to bring a number as large as 120-150 people. One College even wishes to bring a horse carriage. Aayush reacting to this overwhelming response commented, “The response just surpasses all my expectations”.

Jaydutta when asked on expectations from competing college replied, “We just want them to have fun and good completion. “We want to see crazitivity for Polaris” remarks Janice on her expectations of the competing colleges.

Also another first for this year Polaris, not only BMM students will be seen, but students across a variety of streams. This should result in bigger crowds then before. A new event added to this year is a designer and fashion event.

The students of Second Year BMM, Wilson College has prepared a spectacular Polaris. A Polaris waiting to be executed. A wait which is just a few hours away.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Purple Seven

It was in the night and I was walking briskly. I checked the time on my watch, it was almost seven. Damn, I am late. I had to reach the Charles Sports Club. This is the last and most important job. The tennis racket was slung over my back. The fences started to appear, the gate would not be far. Loud bearing rock music was playing in the night, which I suppose was coming from one of the residential buildings. I reached the gate only to be shocked. There was a huge crowd outside it and the rock music was coming from inside. There was a rock show going on inside. Still, it would be no problem, the tennis court would be in use. I pulled out my id card. I had to do what I came to do. I flashed my membership id at the entrance and walked in towards the court. It was empty. I may be able to catch him at the shower area. I moved at once. The showers were running and men were having their bath, but he was not there. Maybe I could catch him at the locker room. The locker room was very crowded, I pushed my way amoung the jostling men in towels careful not to get into a fight. I got a view of his locker for a whole minute. There was no sign of him. I watched him for days; I know his every schedule moves. My final chance would be catch him leaving in his car.

I ran out, to the parking exit and hoped I did not miss him. I was searching for a purple Honda. Nervously my eyes kept roaming everywhere. It was not long before I my eyes caught him, but he was not in his car at all. He was exiting from the main entrance. Where had he gone? It did not matter I had to get to him. He was wearing his purple suit. Where was he going? He hailed a cab and was off. I hailed a cab and jumped in, “Follow that cab ahead”. What was this guy up to? If I finished this job, I could finally go home.

The cab stopped and I paid my fare. He came to the subway station. I quickly followed him down. I had to get to him before he jumped in to the train. He moved to the restroom. I breathed a sigh of relief. I kissed the purple seven that hung around my neck. It could be done. I walked into the restroom. The dim light was hanging from the ceiling. The target could not be seen.

Suddenly I felt something hit me from behind, on my shoulder. I went crashing down. A hand swung around my throat and a blade from pressed against my neck. “Who are you? What do you want?” I heard two rapid questions fired off. I knew something was wrong about this fellow. Doesn’t matter, I just got to deliver the package. “I am nobody, but the racket on my shoulder” I said slowly, “it’s yours.” The hand slowly slid away from my neck, while the knife stayed. The racket was lifted from my shoulder. He lifted it up. I could see him smiling in the shadow, “Yes, it is mine. Thank you”. And the knife slashed against my neck. My temporary human vessel was failing me. My purple blood was flowing out. My hands grabbed my throat, but it was of no use. So this was how humans die. I was going to die, but it did not matter the job is done.

The man in the purple suit walked out cleaning his knife on his handkerchief. With the racket swung over his back he got into the train. However this man did not get out the train at all. He was searched for, but not found. In another mysterious incident in the same train a purple seven about six feet high was found.

Indira and Modi the same side of the coin

In 1971 Indira Gandhi declared emergency under the pretext of India being under threat of internal and external forces. However the actual reason was that the on the day of the declaration, the next day a court verdict was going to be announced. The verdict was on a case filed by Jayprakash Narayan on the then recent elections accusing Indira Gandhi of elections malpractices. If the verdict by the court found Indira guilty then that would mean she would be striped of her Prime Ministership, to avoid this she declared Emergency.

During the emergency there were gross violations. The press was gagged. Many political persons were arrested without being charged and tortured. There were rise in encounter cases. Journalists were persecuted. Sanjay Gandhi went wild by forcing many men to undergo vasectomy. There was a gross violation of human rights.

However the persecution for these crimes conducted by Indira Gandhi led nowhere. She successfully turned an arrest of her during the Janta Party rule into her favour. By the time Janta Party broke down she had successful converted the nation to support her. Then she died. Though the emergency is regarded as the darkest period in Indian Democracy, Indira is still regarded in high opinion because of the new heights she bought India to.

This draws on a parallel of the current Chief Minister of Gujarat Narander Modi. The main man who allowed the gross human violation to occur. The man who did not initiate the infrastructure to stop violent mobs and in doing so giving permission for mass extermination of Muslims. While ongoing investigation has given him a clean chit, many people still believe that he holds a major responsibility for the Gujarat riots.

While this goes on, a group of people have voiced out their opinions that he should be forgiven for his past crimes and the present should be looked at, where he has converted Gujarat as a model state for many.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Corruption at Corporate Level

In India we curse at the corruption in our government. However there is a corruption that is unseen and slithers around like a snake and that is of corruption at the cooperate level. It is not uncommon in India to have a company to pay the government or give ‘incentives’ to the government.

The biggest and the best example is the Bhopal gas tragedy, where many people died, injured and genetics was restructured in that area. Enron the company which was largely responsible had managed to get a safety certificate, and the results did not play up to that certificate. The CEO of Enron who should have been detained in India managed to get out with some questionable help from the Rajiv Gandhi government.

Also not spoken, but commonly known is of Reliance industries success in the early years and its dealings with the government.

However last year and this year it is all changing. The 2G scam and the Neera Radia’s case have been revolutionary in this aspect.

The 2G scam case has seen a number of industrial haunches in the cross-sights of the CBI for giving bribes to the former Telecom Minister and one can only hope that the truth will emerge.

The Neera Radia’s case has revealed a media-political and corporate nexus.

If the Company’s cannot see the trend, then they need to see it.

The people are demanding more corporate social responsibility. They don’t want the company’s to be hand in glove with a corrupt government and officials.

Tata has become an image in this case and company’s such as Reliance and such others need to change their image.

The fight against corruption is only getting stronger as we recently seen Ana Anzare’s hunger strike against corruption.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Apocalypse Now

The movie is directed by Frank Coppola

The establishing shot of the movie is awesome. It starts with the sound of a helicopter, the strumming of a guitar comes in, a jungle appears, a helicopter passes by and the jungle blows up in flames. The establishing shot is very impactful.

He uses a lot of blending and that’s how he introduces his main character. The introduction is also in a vague way because thought he show a face, the eyes, the movement of the eyes keeps the audience focused on the eyes, as destruction goes around.

The scene where Willard is given his mission also must be discussed General R. Corman - Colonel Lucas - Jerry -. At the table where the mission is discussed. No one is eating, except for the civilian, Jerry(Also this is the only time they show someone eating in the movieand that to a civian) . While General R.Corman and Colonel Lucas is placed in front of Willard, Jerry is at the side. This is simply because Coppola does not want to integrate this mysterious civilian/CIA into the conversation, to keep him out.

The shots uses in the movie are amazing. We see the helicopter shots when Captain Willard meets Kilgore and the audience gets a peek into the war. Throughout the movie we see Captain Willard plays a very passive role in the movie and through that we the truths and lies of the Vietnam War. To establish the massiveness of the attack we see the usage of extreme wide shot from various angles, but mainly high angles. The best scene in this attack is one of the jet fighters where again we see use of high angle shot, and a combination of intense music that heightens up the audience.

After this we see a variety of things that contributes to the awesomeness of this movie. As they go more into the jungle and the river they go more into the heart of darkness. The river plays a big motif in the movie, signifying the drift deeper into madness.

The boat is also a motif. After the encounter with the tiger, Willard says, “Never get outa of the boat”. The boat signifies a safe haven for the soldiers as they drift deeper down the river. Whenever they were attacked or when they reach Kurtz’s terrority the boat as acted as a safe haven.

Dead bodies are also a motif. As they came closer into the Kurtz’s territory the number of dead bodies keeps increasing. Also as they come closer they first encounter a variety of destroyed helicopter, and when they finally reached they encounter destroyed a jet engine, and jet engine have been portrayed as a sort of ultimate weapon. A pan shot occurs there moving upwards of the engine and then dives into the water and comes out again towards the boat.

The introduction of Kurtz has been slow and pacey. Coppola has made use of the travelling time on the river, Willard gives keeps giving us a narration on the Kurtz achievement. When Willard finally meets Kurtz, Coppola plays with the lighting and teases the audience who are anxious to see Kurtz. We parts of Kurtz face, but never his whole face and when this is done, Kurtz withdraws his face into the darkness and one could almost see his left eye glinting. The character shown by Kurtz is quiet surprising compared to the impression from Willard’s narration of him and the journalist depiction.

Kurtz voice is soft and not a strong one, he is cracking up.

There are few aspects of the last scene that must be discussed. Coppola does the comparison of killing of Kurtz and the bull very well. While the killing of the bull is very violent, Coppola portrays the killing of the Kurtz in an almost beautiful manner. Willard when he is at the door step after killing Kurtz, a medium close up shot, Willard takes a step back, his face goes into the darkness. This is almost as if Coppola is teasing is before the next few seconds, because the next few seconds when Willard is walking and everyone is bowing to him it almost seemed like Willard was taking the place of Kurtz.

The movie is an awesome one.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Brand You?

Recently my professor has given a project to a bunch of people. This project is about creating a brand for their individual identities. This bids me to think of everyday. Everyday the things we say, the habits we have it all adds to our brand. We are all marketing ourselves. We are constantly trying to sell ourselves to a company or to some or another other institute. All of this is complemented by the body language. How many of us are conscious of our body language.

Many speakers at seminars have found trouble at keeping the attention of the audience. Many in the audience have pointed out that the speaker’s body language is not convincing enough. Still it is not easy to control one’s body language.

By the time one cross eighteen years, there is definite character set in that individual. This character becomes the person’s brand. The person may be funny, relaxed, hyper, emotional. That person will become defined by this feature and his or her character will be based on it.

As in individual, he or she has something to offer that world, some specialty or expertise. What is this expertise? How much effect does it have? Or do you have variety of expertise?

And finally what you speak. What comes out of your mouth may many a time become the face value of what you are.

All these combinations become who you are, who define you and what becomes what you are to the world.

In today’s world individual branding is important. An individual brand may define a company, it may define a product, it may define a team or it may even define a game.

Rata Tata or Steve Jobs is the brand image for their respective Corporations. David Bechkam used to be faced of the English football team. The brand of Sachine may define the standards of a game.

Whether an individual or a famous personality, you have a character, you have a brand. Your brand may be inspiring those around you or the world.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Two Decades of Frooti

Twenty-five years have passed since Parle Agro introduced the drink Frooti in 1985 and entered the fruit beverage market. It natural choice of flavor for Fruit was the most loved fruit in India, mango. India has a large craving for the fruit mango and for Parle Agro it was without a doubt their first flavor. Parle Agro partnered with DaCunha Communications to create Frooti. The launching budget of Frooti was twenty lakh and more than half of it was spent on television advertising.

“Mango Frooti… fresh n juicy” was the tag line that immediately put Frooti in the market, but more importantly is the packing of the drink. Parle Agro with their partners decided to make their packing different. While most cold drinks were packaged and sold in glass bottles, Frooti was packed and sold in tetra packs. The biggest advantage tetra packs had over glass bottles was its mobility. Frooti could be carried around much easier than glass bottles. It was fortunate for Parle Agro that their partners had previously worked for Amul who were already using tetra packs for their milk products.

The first advertising of Frooti focused on the packing. The audience was amazed with a drink that one could punch a straw in and walk around with it. People came to cities to take away cartons of the drink.

As Frooti advertising developed a lot of fun and cool ads were created. Advertisements used pretty girls in mini-skirts, hula-hoops, use of CG and people diving into a pool of Frooti. Local Publicity stunts as such as Frooti hanging from trees which people could pluck were done. In 2010, Frooti revamped themselves and created a new advertising campaign called the ‘Mango Surprise’. Giant mango were dropped from trees and rolled down roads on unsuspecting pedestrians. These moments were captured by hidden cameras and edited to create TVCs.

After twenty five years Frooti still holds a leading position in the mango fruit market. Frooti is continuously embarking on new campaigns to adapt to the changing consumer, yet their core brand value of being a cool and fun drink has not been lost.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Nuclear Boy and Japanese Change

When an earthquake of 9.0 magnitude hit the Japan sea and sent created a tsunami that created the Fukushima problem. While the international news blared about this, Nuclear Boy was created. Nuclear Boy was a cartoon helped children understand the nuclear disaster that loomed above a country that was over half submerged in water. Nuclear Boy had an upset tummy that gave him stinky poo and so he was given medicine of sea water and boron. This program also helped adults comprehend the vast number of photos and reports that they came across.

Though the dark days are behind them and Nuclear Boy has become much better, Japan has started to rebuild itself. Densu one of the world’s largest communications and marketing service recently conducted a test on health of the Japanese consumer who have for a decade consumed both local and global brands. However the Japanese have drastically changed their lifestyle and consumption habits.

The Japanese crisis has a given birth to a new type of consumer. They are called New Lifestyle Seekers. At the head of their list is to be more prepared and responsive to disasters and to help victims. They place importance on living with nature and valuing relation with Mother Nature and human beings. Their philosophy is to consume just the basic need and be careful not to waste natural resources. Brands and marketing departments will have to revamp their strategies for such rising number of consumers.

This new take on life is seen traditional Japanese brands. “Do what you can now while looking forward tomorrow” is the new line from Toyota to promote the nation’s recuperation and to promote eco-driving. Panasonic has also come out with a line- “Lets each one of us do what we can” with goal to increase awareness of energy saving methods.

Whatever it is, the Japanese crisis has changed the face of consumers and brands are adapting to that.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

India and Somali Piracy

Somali piracy is a constant international problem that the world is still coming to grips with. Piracy is coming more and more closer to our waters. It is making trading and transporting of goods across water dangerous.

For any serious action to be taken be countries they will have to:

- Conduct naval patrolling in the waters where the pirates operate.

- Strengthen the costal defense to prevent them from entering and venturing towards are coast.

- Identifying their bases in Somalia and neutralizing them.

- Create a full proof strategy to deal with hijack and hostage situations.

- Create an a justice system to deal with captured Somali pirates.

- Cooperation and coordination with other countries patrolling the area.

The international world is not ready to help stabilize the Somalia failed state. Not even the US is in a position to undertake this. Stabilizing Somalia has been even made difficult with the strong and developing influence of Al-Qaeda.

The Indian Coast Guard and Navy have had some success in intercepting Somali pirates. However if we want to Indian Coast Guard and Navy to develop a strong negotiation strategy. There will be increasing difficulties in freeing and realizing captured sailors.

The Pakistan Navy has some major advantages when securing the release of Pakistani sailors as the Pakistan Navy has the influence of Tablighi Jamaat which has a strong presence in Somalia. The Indian government does not have access to such advantages.

Indian Coast Guard and Navy needs to develop an efficient tactical plan to handle Somali pirates and hostage situations. Unlike other hostage rescues, a high seas one is much difficult than the one on land.

To efficiently tackle the problem of Somali piracy the international worlds needs to increases in cooperation with each other. A regional counter piracy organization must be set up to create this.

Somali Piracy must not be ignored and must be dealt with before it spreads and becomes a major problem.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Lokpal or Jan Lokpal Bill?

The Lokpal Bill has been drafted by two camps. One is of the Government and another is of the Anna Hazare camp.

However what are the main differences and problems of their drafts.

According to Wikipedia the differences are :

Difference between Draft Lokpal Bill 2010 and Jan Lokpal Bill[11]

Draft Lokpal Bill (2010)

Jan Lokpal Bill (Citizen's Ombudsman Bill)

Lokpal will have no power to initiate suo motu action or receive complaints of corruption from the general public. It can only probe complaints forwarded by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha or the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.

Lokpal will have powers to initiate suo motoaction or receive complaints of corruption from the general public.

Lokpal will only be an Advisory Body with a role limited to forwarding reports to a "Competent Authority".

Lokpal will be much more than an Advisory Body and have the power to initiate prosecution of anyone found guilty.

Lokpal will have no police powers and no ability to register an FIR or proceed with criminal investigations.

Lokpal will have police powers as well as the ability to register FIRs.

The CBI and Lokpal will be unconnected.

Lokpal and the anti corruption wing of the CBI will be one independent body.

Punishment for corruption will be a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of up to 7 years.

Punishments will be a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of up to life imprisonment.

According to me both these Bills have major problems.

The Problems in the Government Draft:

- The Lokpal will work only on an advisory capacity: I find this unacceptable. Most bodies, Committees and commissions that are given advisory power are not effective. Most times no action is taken. For Lokpal to be effective it will have to be given an independent power on the lines of the judiciary and the election commission.

- The Government Draft proposes that Lokpal can take cases only given by the Parliament: Again I find this unacceptable. If a politician or government official are suspect of undertaking corrupt practices them may have enough clout to prevent such a case being passed by Parliament. Hence Lokpal needs independence.

- Giving the Lokpal no police power or ability to register an FIR is again absolutely absurd: For Lokpal to find, gather and investigate a corrupt official it needs to be given certain policing powers. And if Lokpal does manage to find and gather enough evidence then why should it be prevented from filing this case.

The Problem with the Anna Hazare Draft is:

- Receiving Complaints from the General Public: The problem I have with this is that Lokpal could become over burden if it takes complaints from the general public. Cases may start to backlog and the aim to finish an investigation within a month may not seem possible. The situation of the Indian Judiciary which is overburden and under heavy backlog is an example. The objective of having Lokpal accept general public complaints is that corruption cases from the highest level to the lowest level will come to light. However what is being failed to be realized is that if the top levels become clear, those clean leaders will enforce anti-corruption throughout their department.

What would be preferred is if cases are given by the Parliament and the Indian Judiciary.

- CVC and anti-corruption wing of CBI coming under Lokpal: While the idea sounds appealing it is not practical. To uproot such departments and give them another head is not reasonable. However what can be done is a new department to be created under the Lokpal.

The Government versions of the Lokpal makes it ineffective and useless, while the Jan Lokpal Bill has some unrealistic suggestions.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rahul Gandhi, the Future

On Sunday, 19th June Rahul Gandhi turned 41 years old. It won’t be long before he will take over the reins of Congress. Already a section of the Congress is rumbling for Rahul Gandhi to take over PM Manmohan Singh. TOI quoted Congress general secretary Digvijay Singh saying, “It’s time Rahul becomes PM”. However one must question this persons leadership ability.

On Sunday I visited the Church for my morning mass. After that finished I left to Church only to see a group of people distributing chocolates at the gate of my Church in celebration of Rahul Gandhi’s birthday. The problem I had with this was that they were not the only people at the gate. There was a group of beggars at the gate to. Ironic, isn’t it? I would rather have them celebrate his birthday by helping those beggars. Do I want this man to become the Prime Minister in near future?

Rahul Gandhi also needs to learn to be honest, the public is getting smarter every year. His stunt at Bhatta Parsaul village in Uttar Pradesh, where he made a shocking statement that women were being raped and farmers being killed for protesting against an acquisition of land for an Expressway. He even showed a site which was supposed to be a graveyard of bodies. However soon enough after a forensic team was bought in, these claims were found to be false. Media persons went to the village and found that Rahul’s Gandhi’s claims were false.

It is possible that Rahul Gandhi tried what his grandmother, Indira Gandhi pulled off in the late 1970 when she rode into a Blechi village on an elephant and highlighted the Central Government’s insensitivities to the atrocities on the Dalits and was a major reason for a victory as the next PM again. However the public is smarter that it was in 1970s and such tatics will not work.

There is no doubt that that the Gandhi family has made great contributions to the country of India and it has produced great leaders such as Nehru and Indira Gandhi. However Rahul lacks the experience to make a change in the current political scenario.