Saturday, June 25, 2011

India and Somali Piracy

Somali piracy is a constant international problem that the world is still coming to grips with. Piracy is coming more and more closer to our waters. It is making trading and transporting of goods across water dangerous.

For any serious action to be taken be countries they will have to:

- Conduct naval patrolling in the waters where the pirates operate.

- Strengthen the costal defense to prevent them from entering and venturing towards are coast.

- Identifying their bases in Somalia and neutralizing them.

- Create a full proof strategy to deal with hijack and hostage situations.

- Create an a justice system to deal with captured Somali pirates.

- Cooperation and coordination with other countries patrolling the area.

The international world is not ready to help stabilize the Somalia failed state. Not even the US is in a position to undertake this. Stabilizing Somalia has been even made difficult with the strong and developing influence of Al-Qaeda.

The Indian Coast Guard and Navy have had some success in intercepting Somali pirates. However if we want to Indian Coast Guard and Navy to develop a strong negotiation strategy. There will be increasing difficulties in freeing and realizing captured sailors.

The Pakistan Navy has some major advantages when securing the release of Pakistani sailors as the Pakistan Navy has the influence of Tablighi Jamaat which has a strong presence in Somalia. The Indian government does not have access to such advantages.

Indian Coast Guard and Navy needs to develop an efficient tactical plan to handle Somali pirates and hostage situations. Unlike other hostage rescues, a high seas one is much difficult than the one on land.

To efficiently tackle the problem of Somali piracy the international worlds needs to increases in cooperation with each other. A regional counter piracy organization must be set up to create this.

Somali Piracy must not be ignored and must be dealt with before it spreads and becomes a major problem.

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